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Southwest Florida Sunsets


Florida Business Buyer Purchase Information

A good match of business and acquirer is one of the keys to success.
To find a suitable business acquisition for you we need the following information.

Florida Business Sales

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send. Required fields are marked with a *
* Full Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Office Phone (w / extension)
* Home Phone
Best Time to Call
* Email Address
Approximate Date to Visit Florida
Approximate Date - Move to Florida
Desired Location
Can Our Residental Department Help You Find a Home? Yes
How Long Have You Been Searching a Business?
Financial Information

Financial Information

Once we start the search process, we will need financial information on you (and your investor if one is assisting). A credit report will be required and in some cases depending upon the size of the acquisition a financial statement will be requested.

Please remember, a seller will be sharing their financial information with you, therefore we have an obligation to make sure there is a financial match with both the buyer and seller. In the meantime, please complete the following
Financial Information
Funds Available for Down Payment
If an investor is assisting with the purchase, what financial assistance are they willing to offer for a down payment?
What annual income are you attempting to attain before debt service?
Is it necessary to sell your current business prior to purchasing a new business? Yes
Is it necessary to sell your current residence prior to purchasing a new business? Yes
Current Business Background
Number of Businesses Desired
Different types of businesses you would consider
Different types of businesses you would not consider
Are you currently working with other Business Brokers? Yes
Comments / Details

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